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  1. M

    What happens if you mix a breed with fur and a breed with hair?

    @crs_7 Any breed mix can get weird coats. I've got a GSD/basset hound mix. He has a broad strip down his back that's thick GSD fur, and the rest of him has smooth fur like a basset. When he goes into shed, the GSD strip of fur goes crazy and blows its coat while the rest of him sheds lightly...
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    unless you have a reactive dog you don't understand

    @childman That's the thing with certain types of reactivity: you can do everything right and still end up with a reactive dog. I learned that lesson many years ago when I got my second border collie. My first bc was a lovely dog, very social with enough drive to work without going overboard...
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    Feeling guilty about crating puppy for his 16-18hr sleep time

    @happycamper843 A five month old dog is no longer a tiny baby that needs help to sleep on time. They're old enough to figure out when to sleep on their own, with some careful supervision from their owner of course. At this age they need to learn how to settle on their own, in different...
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    Fear aggressive pup... considering BE after 3.5 years of trying to make it work

    @zarif I'm sorry you're going through this. Cattle dogs are generally a breed with little bite restraint. They're nippy, mouthy dogs, as they need to be to do their original job. But combined with poor breeding and/or poor socialization, it can lead to a dog like yours. You're not alone. I've...
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    *trigger warning* considering BE

    @davecb The thing is that most dog trainers know enough about dog behaviour to not tolerate a dog in their home that delivers level 4 bites. I'm a (retired) dog trainer and I would very strongly consider BE even the first time one of my dogs gives me a level 4 bite. In order for dogs to...
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    *trigger warning* considering BE

    @gilcimarlp The problem isn't so much that the dog bites in certain circumstances, it's that he delivers level 4 bites. Multiple times. As Dr Dunbar explains in his dog bite chart, a dog that delivers level 4 bites lacks bite inhibition and will bite again, and there is a very real risk that in...