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    My dog killed a dog today - absolutely devastated

    @bhagofangels 100%, once a dog has a fatality scored, steps must be taken. "He's never done anything before" isn't a good enough excuse for keeping them together, because at one point he hadn't killed a dog until he did. Cats are small and fragile, it'll only take one snap or rush for them...
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    Does anyone have a plan for I they get pulled over by a cop with a human reactive dog in the car?

    @ahealingpen You'll need to fit a cargo divider between the dog and the front half if the cabin. That or harness and click them into the back seat. Reactive or not, dogs should be restrained because they become projectiles in the event of an accident. Officers coming to the window shouldn't...
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    Puppy vaccination U.K

    @alcamad It's not binary. There's a bell curve of cover. Some will be 72 hours, some will be 2 weeks. The majority will be somewhere in between. If you're risk tolerant, go with the low number. If you're risk averse, go with the high number. Just because you don't understand that immunity...
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    7.5 months and protected me from an intruder 🥺

    @imagebeastmarkbeast My dog sleeps freely downstairs and never barks unless there's someone outside the house - it's the perfect balance. It helps that she's a big dog too so the bark is massive and scares the shit out of me every time she does it.
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    [Fluff] Does your country have dog naming "rules"?

    @moej In the UK, the Kennel club have names that always start with a K, and change every year. 2020 was Kenxtwen, and require 2 names that follow. Our girl is Kenxtwen Dusted Cocoa. Kiwi to her friends.
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    Thinking about getting a puppy? Be ready

    @catcox I'm on day 5 of an 8 week old lab puppy, and I've cried literally every single day. I decided to give her back both yesterday and the day before but the other half isn't having it. We have 2 cats and I remember hating them when we got them, but now I would literally die for them, so I...
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    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    @one12man I also use fetch for impulse control. It's her absolute favourite thing in the world, so if I can get her to stop when hurtling after her stick, then her stop is pretty much bomb proof.