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    PSA: If you’re on the fence of taking your dog to the vet, just do it. Don’t listen to the internet

    @duktape1121 If it makes you feel better, my dog has his nipple listed as a pre-existing skin condition for his pet insurance because when I brought him in for his initial exam and pointed it out (not realizing what it was) to see if it was something to be concerned about, the vet said “let’s...
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    Dog getting overprotective to everyone but my wife and son, really starting to worry

    @teamjesus4e Not sure if this is helpful, but I wonder if viewing it as more “resource guarding” your wife & son might point your in some direction on how to change the behavior?
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    Anyone rehome a dog they love? How are things now that it’s over?

    @krkrlm7 I get this. I struggle with it too. But I try to keep reminding myself just in case it finally sinks in at some point. hugs to you
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    Anyone rehome a dog they love? How are things now that it’s over?

    @krkrlm7 You aren’t a failure. You made a huge sacrifice letting go of him for his best interest. Also, give yourself grace for having to go through all of that on top of the trauma of the pandemic. 💕
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    [RIP] Wesley, doodle, 4 years old

    @legend28 How awful. I’m so sad for Wesley’s family & Wesley, but I’m also so sad for you to experience that. It’s hard enough to see an animal that is suffering, but I feel like there’s an added pain when it’s the same animal as one of your pets. Please be sure to be extra gentle with...
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    FIL got my dogs pork femurs for Christmas but hesitant to give it to them

    @peaceloving My vet said the same exact thing.
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    The Awful Life of a Puppy

    @jazideezap Is the puppy locked in the crate when the owner is home or just hangs out on it? It sounds like pup could use some affection and stimulation, but also keep in mind that puppies are not supposed to be taken on long walks as their bones and joints are still developing.
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    @luke50 Some shelters have pet “food pantries” for owners who can’t afford pet related expenses. They often provide heartworm medication. If you truly can’t afford monthly heartworm treatment, that might be an option.
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    Please help with a survey

    @awlecg12 You got it!
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    Is it messed up to leave my dog home w/ NO AC?

    @tiffashwill Can’t you just set the AC to 74° so that it kicks in before it is too hot for the dog?
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    My dog expresses her anal glands multiple times per week

    @das_grosse_schwein It is a smell so heinous it will wake you out of a slumber
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    F*#$ AA!

    @abide They only allow them if they can fit in a carrier and are under a certain number of pounds. Though I recently read (but haven’t verified) that Jet Blue & Alaska will let you buy a seat for your dog if it’s larger.
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    5 y/o terrier suddenly incontinent

    @jamsie Sudden incontinence is a vet visit
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    Picking up poop?

    @ashe If it’s an area where other people and/or dogs are walking, the right thing to do is to figure out a way to clean it up. It’s kind of uncool to just leave it sitting there for folks to step in or for dogs to encounter. I usually go back with some water at least if I don’t have...
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    Boarding housebroken dog that is all of a sudden peeing in the house?

    @specific If she were just peeing on the floor, I personally would chalk it up to anxiety and might just mention it to the owner & let them know I was keeping an eye on it. But the peeing on the couch strikes me as more of an issue with bladder control than just excitement/anxiety or having...
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    My 6 y/o mutt is now into his second week of not eating, vet is baffled

    @mminer237 As someone who has had pets go through periods of low/no appetite, I really feel for you. Have they tried appetite stimulants or fortaflora (it’s a probiotic powder that apparently tastes really good - though IIRC a main ingredient is nutritional yeast, so you might try just that?)...