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    Puppy aggression-- long post

    @savedbygrace559 Your trainer should be able to give you tips on the guarding. That is definitely behavior you want to nip in the bud. There may be some simple fixes and boundaries you can put in place. Also, your pup is young, so this may be more easily trained out than it seems. My girl was...
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    Vomiting mostly undigested food

    @welldigging Food allergies in dogs are often protein based. So yeah, bison, venison, poultry, salmon, etc are common. Hydrolyzed protein food essentially makes proteins “invisible” to a dog’s immune system so they don’t react. It is more expensive, which isn’t ideal. But my dog did so well on...
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    Vomiting mostly undigested food

    @welldigging This is how my dogs food allergy started manifesting itself (apparently my chicken-obsessed dog is, in fact, allergic to chicken 🤦🏻‍♀️) This happened for a while and then it moved to her looking and feeling miserable. She’s now on a hydrolyzed protein kibble and doing great. But it...
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    I don’t know if I’m feeding her the right food??

    @muilen Don’t do grain-free unless your dog is allergic to grain. And even then, you’ll want to take your vet’s recommendation because many grain-free options are actually bad for your dog’s heart. (I fed my dog grain-free for a few months until I learned this.)