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    Dog pinned 1 year old

    @welshchild You will see many comments train the dog bla bla. Is it possible? - Yes. Can you guarantee 100% this won’t happen again and/or escalate - NO. Rehome the dog!
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    Projected to be 94lbs

    @tifani I was tracking this agains breed specific charts, I met the parents and the breeder told me he shouldn’t be above X. His weight is 20% higher than projected at 1.5 years and my boy is on the skinny/lean side. So I don’t think these are accurate at all. If anything the paw size seems...
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    Reactive dogs aren’t trying to give you a hard time they’re having a hard time

    @ruzou Well obviously. We are both having a hard time. 😅 My heart breaks a little every time my pup is scared no matter how it looks like - sometimes shaking/cowering, sometimes aggressively barking.
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    @rdwin At the expense of others? But if it’s allowed it’s allowed. People are inconsiderate A-holes in many ways.
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    @zog Of course I love beautiful fireworks organized by the city 2-3-5 times a year for some event. I am against Chad blowing up his balcony and the street 5 days before NYE. Then leaving a war zone behind because of course he doesn’t care about the people on January 1st picking up his shit at...
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    Flying in cabin w 8 week old

    @leeza How long are the 2 flights (since you mention connection)? What breed is the puppy? It will be fine, maybe there will be some whining. Depending on the flight crew you might be allowed to put the bag in your lap or take the pup out to comfort him but they may say no. Try speaking softly...
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    @zog No but fireworks are pointless.
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    It’s me, the perfectly behaved dog at the bar patio

    @mauricio512 I don’t know how many times friends and random people meet my chihuahua and exclaim „omg he is so quiet!!!“ (He is, doesn’t make a sound even at the doorbell.) ….I tell them just to wait for another dog to appear. 😅
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    What do you say to owners of off-lead dogs?

    @jaxosk26 Nothing anymore because usually they don’t or are unable to do anything and only I get angry. But I am able to pick my dog up and leave. Compressed air sounds great! I have considered it. How far from the dog do you use it?