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    Found puppy in a highway

    @antinomian 🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀 thanks
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    Found puppy in a highway

    @phil35 Great advice thanks
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    Found puppy in a highway

    @vladtepes831 Thank you so much for the advice ❤️❤️
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    Found puppy in a highway

    @nina1984 we are keeping her definitely I doubt anyone will claim her. We are committed on being her forever home
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    Found puppy in a highway

    @jedicole Great name! We named her quesadilla though 🙈 we always said our pets would be named after Mexican food lol
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    Found puppy in a highway

    @redlion81 Yes! Exactly what vet said keep her inside until three rounds of vaccines
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    Found puppy in a highway

    @ayakuro Omg my state is high on this! Will talk about it with vet today thank you
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    Found puppy in a highway

    @lagopus ❤️❤️❤️
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    Found puppy in a highway

    @tampasteve You are a hero! So glad puppy found you so you could love them ❤️
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    Found puppy in a highway

    @ethzz Legally I need to post some sort of notice abd wait three days. Vet appointment tomorrow :) I don’t think anyone is looking for this baby 😭 it is starving and thirsty and I am sure is being out for more than a day. our whole family is already in love ❤️ thanks for the advice I think...
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    Found puppy in a highway

    @chaorabite Thanks! I went to petco and got puppy food
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    Found puppy in a highway

    I think I found an abandoned puppy… took it to the vet they say is less than 8 weeks old and no chip. They said the shelters are full… so I have never owned a puppy. What do we need to get at least to survive tonight. Help ETA PUPPY TAX
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    Pregnant and wanting a puppy?

    @lochie The first three months of newborn life are like insane. I remember those three months barely lol i was in a state of not talking to anyone except hubby and mom. Barely looked at my phone. Spent the three months basically eating to keep breastfeeding going and cuddling baby. It was such a...