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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    @houstonreborn 1000%, a second opinion is always a good option. Your old vet sounds incompetent AF, I’m sorry you got such a runaround with them. I understand that medicine is a practice, but I mean COME ON.
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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    @raphael_bagot Oh my god, that’s so horrible. I’m so sorry you/your bf/your pup had to go through that, that’s just so much. Especially for the pup. Your story, and stories like yours, are the reason I’m glad I got a second opinion. Thank you for your kind words 🙏🏻
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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    @christianjmu Yeah I took her in for an ultrasound on Tuesday and it was 100% normal. No cancer. I also took her to her regular vet Wednesday and had them look over the records from the emergency vet. They assured me it’s not cancer, and they gave me good info on how to prevent UTIs. I’ll be...
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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    @demonslayer410 Oh no! I’m so sorry, I hope it’s just a minor infection that can be treated easily. I HATE being at the vet and hearing them cry 😭 it literally makes ME cry, hearing them struggle with discomfort/anxiety.
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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    @demonslayer410 Jesus Christ 🤦🏻‍♀️
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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    @marts Man, I am so sorry this happened. That’s truly devastating
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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    @vincefield Holy shit! That’s so messed up, I’m so sorry that happened. And that she just laughed it off—I mean that’s a life we’re talking about. I’m literally sitting here with my mouth agape bc I can’t believe it. Thank you for your kind words. I ended up getting all the records and having...
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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    @shela710 Oh my god, I would have been so pressed 😡🤬 I’m so sorry you and your doggo had to go through that. RIP sweet baby
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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    @snowdernsons Dude, my old coworker (who was a vet tech in a previous life) said “imagine how many pets are euthanized for incorrect ER diagnoses”. I’m so glad you got a second opinion, and that your pup lived a good long life 🙏🏻
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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    @l86 You literally saved a life. That’s super cool!
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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    @reborndestiny Oof this post hits hard. I’m so sorry you are having to deal with this situation, and that your poor pup has to deal with this situation. I am here with my dog, giving you both the best vibes we can shoot your way. Dogs are too good for this world.
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    Was told my dog had cancer, but actually it was just a UTI

    Has this happened to anyone else? My dog started peeing blood on Saturday while I was at work. Thankfully my housemate and gf were home and observed the symptoms and let me know. I left work and we met at the vet. The vet did a physical exam and said it could be anything, basically. We did...