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    Help Grooming a Cocker Spaniel

    @ohgemma Um... I'm a professional dog groomer? Maybe I got the information about the particular clippers wrong (though I just got out the packaging from them as I never threw it out and a breed they say they are suitable for is "long silky coat, cocker spaniel", they are Wahl clippers after all)...
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    Help Grooming a Cocker Spaniel

    @kayleighbethh I used to use this exact set on my maltese and never had any problems. They do say in the instructions to go against the hair grain though, and I know cocker spaniels are the ones I most often have to reverse clip, I can brush the coat up and go over as many times as I like and...
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    Groomer trainee, not sure if I’m being treated unfairly

    @yoshichicka Six dogs a day is crazy, even good groomers near me only manage eight with a bather, and they've been grooming for like 30 years. Definitely look for somewhere else, they're taking advantage
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    Help Grooming a Cocker Spaniel

    @bfg33 As a professional, yes. Just wouldn't recommend it to a pet owner
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    Golden x Berner Mix

    @justanoldfeller The undercoat is what will make her hot, not the top coat. Blow or brush out undercoat and you'll keep her cool. Shaving will likely make her hotter as she won't have the fur protecting her skin and will be at risk of sunburn, and it may not ever grow back, and if it does will...
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    Help Grooming a Cocker Spaniel

    @bfg33 I honestly wouldn't suggest a pet owner to do a 40 on the insides of the ears, or a 30 on paw pads. Both areas are so easy to cut, when starting at school we did paw pads on a 10 because it's safer
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    Clipper Blade # Recommendations for 2 year old Sheepadoodle

    @hilarious Width of the blade doesn't make any difference. If you only use a guard you don't need to be asking about skip tooths, skip tooths are only sold in lengths 7 and above, and you can't use a guard over anything that long. I just wanted to give you the warning in case you did use blades...
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    Help Grooming a Cocker Spaniel

    @ohgemma They're £150, with two 10 blades that's probably over £200. Really no need to spend that amount of money on home grooming. Also I'd argue a 10 is too short for a cocker spaniel, I do mine in the salon on a 7 (though yes I know the dangers of the 7 blade especially for the inexperienced)
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    Clipper Blade # Recommendations for 2 year old Sheepadoodle

    @hilarious Never use skip blades. They're for more experienced groomers as they can easily cut the skin. Keep with blades with an F after if they're anything longer than a 10 (10 and shorter don't come in two versions)
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    Please recommend some reliable clippers (U.K.)

    @dsmd14 A #7 isn't that dangerous if you know where to and where not to use it, I've never cut a dog with a #7 blade as I'm careful with it. It's slightly easier (for me anyway, though saying that I reverse clipped me own dog for about a year, think I've just in the habit of nose to tail so...
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    Clipper Blade # Recommendations for 2 year old Sheepadoodle

    @jesusgirl1 Because a 7 could so easily injure a dog, especially if done by a novice. During covid a dog had to have its leg amputated when the owners hit a major vessel trying to remove a mat in the armpit. A 10 is so much safer, I don't want to see a dog injured for the sake of a few millimeters
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @%E2%98%A6marius%E2%98%A6 What, so we're doing things we know are dangerous and could be avoided just for the sake of it? There is literally a safe option that you're refusing to use
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    Please recommend some reliable clippers (U.K.)

    @dsmd14 No, #4 gives the same length in reverse as a #7 normally. If you want a #5 length then I'd just buy a 5 blade, it might not do him quite as evenly if it pushes the coat down but it should be easier to do
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    BuT iT's OnLy FiVe MiNuTeS

    @mari79 Personally I would have allowed five minutes, but having been told by the person actually grooming the dog that they weren't ok with five minutes, I would have done exactly what you did. It wasn't up to you to make the decision, it was up to the groomer, and you followed what you were...
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    Clipper Blade # Recommendations for 2 year old Sheepadoodle

    @snflwrgrl I wouldn't be recommending it to a novice like OP. The way I do armpits you can't even see them when the dog puts its leg down. I'm going to continue using a 10
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    Clipper Blade # Recommendations for 2 year old Sheepadoodle

    @snflwrgrl I've been grooming (professionally) for two years and still use a 10, the length difference I can't see why anyone would use a 7 when a 10 is so much safer
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @%E2%98%A6marius%E2%98%A6 Still dangerous
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    Please recommend some reliable clippers (U.K.)

    @dsmd14 FC (Finishing cut I'm sure it stands for) definitely, skip tooth are more dangerous and for experienced groomers only from what I've been taught. Basically you normally clip from nose to tail, but some dogs, especially spaniels or those with thicker hair do better when clipped from tail...
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    What do y’all do with broken blades?

    @%E2%98%A6marius%E2%98%A6 Yes. Broken blades are still dangerous
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    Clipper Blade # Recommendations for 2 year old Sheepadoodle

    @snflwrgrl Please don't use a 7 on the armpits, the spacing of the teeth mean it's very easy to draw in skin. Use a 10 for armpits and sanitary area