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  1. B

    Thoughts and info about free feeding and maybe also my situation?

    @stephendisraeli Thanks for the input! This really seems like something that can be decided on based on the owner’s judgement as well as consultations from a vet. There are so many options out there on what to feed, how to feed and when to feed my dog. I am looking into doing more research on it...
  2. B

    Thoughts and info about free feeding and maybe also my situation?

    @fairyjoyeux I have actually been looking into kinds of protein foods that I can add to her dry kibble. I’m considering cooked lean ground beef and I have been incorporating one hard-boiled egg a day in her meals. I’m still trying to do more research on how to make her meals more nutrient-dense...
  3. B

    Thoughts and info about free feeding and maybe also my situation?

    @ernieralphbennett As much as I would want to report this guy, like I said, there aren’r any specific laws in Canada about dog breeding so it is largely unregulated. I’m still looking into it a bit more. The thing is too is that Pit Bulls are banned in Ontario since 2005 (another thing that I...
  4. B

    Thoughts and info about free feeding and maybe also my situation?

    @dhaezie Sadly, because this was done informally, there was no contract. While I do plan to do everything that the vet says, I don’t think I can report this to Canada’s animal welfare. I looked it up and I read that “Canada has no specific legal standards or laws to regulate breeding operations...
  5. B

    Thoughts and info about free feeding and maybe also my situation?

    I’m sorry if this is such a long descriptive post. If you got time to spare, do leave some thoughts about my situation. Here’s some background: So I have been a dog parent for most of my life until I had to immigrate to a different country (Canada). 3 years after immigrating, I was finally able...