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  1. R

    *URGENT* Please tell me Im not crazy and this isn't normal!?

    @justiniun Mmmmm not getting paid for doing extra dogs is wage theft. I'd point out to your boss that this is illegal.
  2. R

    Has an owner asked for a shave down that was necessary?

    @evall Yea, a bunch of our clients are "trained" lol. We have lots of doodle clients who come in regularly enough to know when they've let it get too bad to demat. It's been really refreshing going from 'co where everyone needed a shavedown but didn't want it, to a private salon where many...
  3. R

    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @creation_aplogetics Oh yea, not doing daycare will def keep making a difference! I used to be a handler, and I can say there was a LOT of craziness that went on in daycare lol. Practically impossible to keep the dogs from drinking out of the same bowls, so it would also be such an easy way to...
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @creation_aplogetics Just mentioned this in another thread, but def get yourself some CC Ice on Ice dematting spray! I have only wonderful things to say about it. Everyone in my salon has used some of mine to save a slightly matted coat at this point. It is fragrance free, so sometimes I like to...
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @creation_aplogetics If you like cowboy magic, you should try out Chris Christianson Ice on Ice spray! It has SERIOUSLY saved so many coats from a shavedown at my salon. Yesterday, I quickly and easily brushed solid mats out of a schnoodle's feet using that product. I bet it would help immensely...
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    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @napparenting I dunno, I'm also a dog groomer seeing ridiculous doodle owners daily, but OP actually seems open to advice and suggestions. They're asking their groomer for advice and following it, and they're actually concerned with their dog's comfort, which is more than I can say for most...
  7. R

    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @creation_aplogetics This person is rude. It seems to me like you're doing a good job. You're open to suggestions and concerned about your dog's comfort over aesthetic when it really boils down to it. Don't listen to them (: