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  1. P

    Hello, I’m here asking for help, suggestions, and/or advice!!! ❤️🐶

    @firewraith For joints, glucosamine and chondroitin work wonders. A vet can help you with other pain meds if he needs them. Gabapentin gave my dog the freedom to act like a puppy. You're going to want to get a positive method only trainer who specializes in desensitization and counter...
  2. P

    How do I get my dog to stop peeing in our new apt?

    @asyaphari Op said the dog isn't neutered. I'm guessing that contributes.
  3. P

    Great Dane puppy seems a bit gimpy, doesn't want to stand up after naps.. Normal? x-post to r/greatdanes

    @ladykay Call your vet, we aren't the ones who can give advice on this.