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    My neighbour keeps making snide comments about my pup and I just want to tell him to f*** off

    @peccator I love that! Congrats on starting your courses, you are going to love it! Animal behaviour is a very cool field and honestly so applicable to people in your life and yourself too. I literally have been working as a group class instructor at a dog training facility for a year, and I get...
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    The most annoying thing ever is when they take forever finding a poop spot and/or they end up not even pooping during the walk

    @stevechase Sometimes I wish I could just... squeeze him. Like a tube of toothpaste.
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    Where are my shelter puppies at?

    @amn I like big mutts and I cannot lie! :) Maggie is insanely cute, I love her eye patch! My Spud is 2, I believe he is a staffy / shepherd mix. He was our first foster puppy and our first dog. We got him from a small local rescue that is just awesome. It's run by an older couple out of their...
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    My neighbour keeps making snide comments about my pup and I just want to tell him to f*** off

    @mickeyroe I am gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you are a younger woman? I feel like 99% of the rude ùnsolicited comments I get about my dog are from older dudes. They can be so entitled and patronizing, and dog training is just one of those topics they love to chime in on. My bf...
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    Anyone else have about a thousand photos of their puppies sleeping on their phone? No? Just me? K

    @marcin458 I'm pretty sure I exist solely to find socially appropriate moments to show people my dog's baby photos (this feels like yesterday, but he now weighs 73 lbs)
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    @teejay79 The 3-3-3 rule does not promise a settled pup... only that they have settled in enough to fully relax and be their true selves. Which is usually more wilding and being naughty than they did before :D
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    Is it common for people to only brag about their perfect puppies?

    @thegingersnap16 Weird! Most puppy owners are willing to bitch about their furbabies in my experience lol. Some puppies are easier than others though. It varies to a crazy degree. My dog was a really easy puppy. It wasn't like having a plant (is there a 30lb plant that you have to carry up and...
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    How to recover after a dog attack?

    @angelar So sad, poor Rudy! I would get him back in the saddle asap. Don't let too much time elapse before giving him some really positive experiences again. Playdates with best friends (murder your upstairs neighbour, or at least make sure that dog is gone...) at first. And introductions only...
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    @martinly The random barking could be adolescent fear period. My guy started seeing ghosts and barking at nothing constantly lol. It was super annoying!
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    Where are my shelter puppies at?

    @marbewpi You are going to be best friends, I can tell he just has such a solid personality from the photos! My best advice: take LOTS of videos during the puppy phase. Especially any quirky or goofy stuff he does. They grow up and become Serious Adult Dogs insanely fast. I watch my guy's...
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    Where are my shelter puppies at?

    @marbewpi That is a Gordo if I've ever seen one. I love him!
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    Accidentally yelled and screamed at my 9 week old puppy, she’s scared of me now. How do I fix this?

    @kristajunee Just go slow, give her space. 9 weeks is right in the middle of the first fear period so this is very unfortunate, but she will get over it if you a) respect her need for space and don't push interactions with her and b) never do it again. Toss some treats to her, but don't stare or...
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    I just love her so much

    @lifeword She is so FLUFFY. I love her!
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    When did you get a second dog?

    @terrywoodenpic I only have one dog still so take my advice with a grain of salt lol! I think you'd want to wait until you're really happy with Noodle's training (LOVE that name btw), and basically just doing maintenance + fun training with him. A puppy will learn from older dogs, but also...