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    3.5 year old pit randomly started kicking after peeing - should I be worried?

    I have a 3.5 year old neutered Am Staff male. When we we first go outside, he squats to do his long pee, and then after that he lifts his leg to mark/do a short pee on random things about 4-5 times during a normal 30 minute walk. He has never kicked up dirt after doing his business in the 2...
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    Need a durable e-collar for dog with itchy ears

    @otim We went to the vet this morning and got swabbed. They had thought before that the itchy ears were just from allergies, but they did find bacteria and yeast this time. It was in both ears, but one is way worse than the other. We got some ear drops and new ear cleaner, and they already seem...
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    Need a durable e-collar for dog with itchy ears

    My 3 year old pit has pretty bad allergies, which results in an occasional flare-up of very itchy ears (usually only one ear at a time). I have a routine from my vet to manage the actual ear problem, but I like to put him in a cone for a couple of days to keep him from scratching his ear into...