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  1. A

    Conjunctivitis help?

    @candyfloss28 Sometimes a longer course of the antibiotic is needed. If you weren't using an e-collar until recently, there's a high chance he did rub at it. Going back to the vet for a recheck is exactly what you should be doing. They'll be able to stain the eye to see if there are any...
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    Dog seeking attention with new baby

    @peternat You don't mention the age of the baby or if you've had the dog since she was a puppy, so I'm going to make a few assumptions. You've likely had the dog since it was a puppy, but even if adopted around a year, that's still almost 2 years of being the sole object of your attention...
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    Frenchie ate cotton pad (like the kind you use to remove makeup), has had regular BMs but hasn't passed it yet - should we be worried?

    @juremahrb When they are blocked or have a foreign body causing a blockage, they will have vomiting, stop eating, and stop defecating (or they will pass diarrhea around the blockage). Are you pulling apart the stool to check inside or doing a visual check? It's possible that it was wadded up...