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    Rehomed my puppy, but have the chance to get her back. Is it a good idea?

    @areelius 5 months is easier than under 12 weeks, but it's not that much easier. My puppy is potty trained and tries to be good but there's a lot of stuff we're still working on.
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    Is it common for people to only brag about their perfect puppies?

    @thegingersnap16 Several factors 1- some people connect with other people by complaining/commiserating, while others think this is rude and wouldn't complain to someone they don't know well. (I am a complainer for sure but there are degrees I'm willing to complain depending on the company, I...
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    New puppy owner w/ 2 adult cats

    @leemc1 Give them more high up places in the common areas to get away from puppy
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    When will they stop pooping 5 - 7 times a day?

    @inquiringmind It will stop. It just gradually goes down. My 11 month old poops 2 (sometimes 3) times a day. 5 seems on the high side of normal, 7 seems excessive. I would ask the vet.
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    What to do if I feel like I don’t like my puppy?

    @elinell Chewing on household things is 100% management. Goldens are going to chew and they are going to pick stuff up ALL THE TIME. If she picks something up, you take a high value treat like chicken, and you go trade with her. Every single time. Never scold. Goldens like to carry things in...
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    Why can’t people leave me and my reactive puppy alone?

    @theresac Also, rereading your post it looks like you were also holding your dog? Any kind of restraint is going to escalate fight or fight.
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    What to do if I feel like I don’t like my puppy?

    @elinell You gotta change your attitude. Everything you're describing is normal for a puppy, especially a golden. They are super mouthy. I'm not saying this behavior is fun, but if you go in thinking she's a "bad" puppy for doing normal puppy things, you are setting yourself and her up for...
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    Why can’t people leave me and my reactive puppy alone?

    @rich4u2 If he's barking you aren't far enough away for that kind of training to be effective. When you're training a reactive dog it shouldn't look like you're training a reactive dog. Get enough space so he acts normal, then work on getting closer.