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  1. S

    Raptor got into TomCat forbidden green blocks…

    @mcldc Great question! So years ago when my boy was a pup, he developed kennel cough and had injury in paw. I took him to vet, but no matter how hard the vet would try, he wouldn’t allow her to touch his paws and nip nonstop. I asked the vet if this could develop into a greater problem if it...
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    Raptor got into TomCat forbidden green blocks…

    @rainysunflower Oh man… sewing needle? With that I would have panicked! Haha Now i know what to ask vet next time.
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    Raptor got into TomCat forbidden green blocks…

    @unsu Only time I’ve freaked is when he ate long strip of plastic from hotdog bag. He couldn’t poop it so i had to slowly pull as he pushed. I thought he was going to be stuck with plastic out his butt forever.
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    Raptor got into TomCat forbidden green blocks…

    My advice after this whole event: ask vet extra questions and have plan of action. Before you read: My boy will survive. He’s okay. 90% the same as always just tired from ordeal and annoyed. 24hr update: still bit achy from vomit ordeal but same ol cuddle ball. ————————————————————————— When I...