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    Repeated Calls

    @godswillservices I hate these people. We are literally a business. Would they do this to a doctors office or other appointment type business? How would they like it if we did this to them when they're not on time to pick up a pet? If we had availability that day, we'd be on phones. Just leave...
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    BuT iT's OnLy FiVe MiNuTeS

    @annalee Dude I panic and apologize profusely if I'm THREE minutes late for an appointment. It's possible and expected for adults to be punctual. I don't see why clients don't pay our schedule the same respect as they would anyone else who requires appointments.
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    What’s you “I’m running behind” song?

    @maebee_so Go greased (my name), you're grooming all the dogs, oh yeah (greased my name, go greased my name) go greased (my name) you're bathing all the dogs oh yeah (greased my name, go greased my name) You are supreme The dogs are clean With greased (my name) Also Don't Stop Me Now, the...
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    Concerns about my pups coat after a grooming fiasco

    @pixelneko What the HELL. I wasnt expecting Dakota to just be completely shaved. Definetly opt for a good food and possibly a skin an coat supplement, omega 3s will hopefully help a ton. She may have a few fuzzies hanging off in the future, but hopefully itll all grow back correctly. If she does...
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    Grooming basics for my great pyrenees

    @wordcrafter Personally I love using a straight pin undercoat rake without blades during the conditioning portion of the bath, it really helps pull the undercoat out without it flying all over the place. They basically look like a teensy tiny garden rake and it works really well. I love the...
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    🐾 Reasons NOT to be a Dog Groomer 🐾

    @beta2 I don't get why it's so hard for people to be on time.
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    🐾 Reasons NOT to be a Dog Groomer 🐾

    @ch4dd Exactly. My 1:30 showed up 30 minutes early today, and of course it's a dog I try not to keep longer than 2.5 hours. Needless to say she stayed for 3 hours
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    PSA to men who ask us groomers if they can get a haircut too, please stop. It’s creepy

    @bonitadan I used to work with a girl who'd tell them "I only do neutered males"
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    🐾 Reasons NOT to be a Dog Groomer 🐾

    @sam1986 If I may add, people who show up way too early for their appointments. I work on my dogs in the order they show up, when people are constantly 30+ minutes early it causes me unnecessary stress because even though I tell them their dog will be started at the time their appointment is...
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    I have a lot of anxiety about using my #7 blade and I can’t seem to get over it

    @chaz1268 If you have a real flappy dog and they want a 7 I would do a 4 reverse on the sketchy parts. That's what I do when I'm nervous about necks.