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    Dog picked up human poop

    @cqw Drank some diarrhea 🤮
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    Does anyone have a plan for I they get pulled over by a cop with a human reactive dog in the car?

    @tecumsehmaverick Impact crates are expensive af but if you can afford them, they are a godsend and not only will keep your dog alive if you get in a wreck and the crate is thrown from the car, but they also cannot be broken out of. They really really keep dogs safe. But 2k, damn. I personally...
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    Why does my dog lay on me

    @yanoca “Giant sack of elbows” lol, yes Irish Wolfhounds and greyhounds have much in common aside from the whole sighthound thing
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    Why does my dog lay on me

    @cupoftea She and I have this worked out. She relaxes completely and then I adjust her up or down or a little to the side to avoid boobage squish and lung collapse. By the time I get her adjusted we are both usually pretty comfy.
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    My landlord’s dog doesn’t seem to like me and it’s getting worse

    @freerangechristian That’s a completely fair assessment, and is probably better advice than my own
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    Why does my dog lay on me

    @%C3%81lefe It’s pretty neat isn’t it? I’ve owned many dogs and several were really in tune with me but this is a first. We bought one of those space heaters that looks like a woodstove, you know with the fake flames? My husband opened the door and stuck his hand in the fake flames and started...
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    My landlord’s dog doesn’t seem to like me and it’s getting worse

    @freerangechristian The only reason I was giving that advice is because the tenant has expressed a desire to work with the dog and attempt to become friends. And my advice was to not interact with the dog at all aside from tossing small high value treats and otherwise ignoring for several weeks...
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    My landlord’s dog doesn’t seem to like me and it’s getting worse

    @freerangechristian The dog still needs as a well behaved dog to tolerate guests, especially ones who live there
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    Why does my dog lay on me

    @vigilantrogue Yes, it’s just bonding. My Irish Wolfhound mix will force me to lay down and plaster her whole body on top of me and give me kisses if she thinks I’m starting to cry. It’s not allowed! Either she is trying to comfort me or she thinks I’m annoying and is trying to smother me 😅
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    Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

    @kennethb I mean they won’t give you your dog
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    Returning puppy to shelter today

    @san422 Curious, were you actually surprised to wake up to poop and pee?
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    My landlord’s dog doesn’t seem to like me and it’s getting worse

    @faithisking Yup can’t stress this enough. Don’t try to hand feed the treats, toss casually and ignore the FUCK outta that dog lol
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    My landlord’s dog doesn’t seem to like me and it’s getting worse

    @mommy1234 I don’t think you should try to interact with this dog AT ALL for a while OP I think you should with permission from the owner keep a small pouch of high value treats on you at all times, hotdogs or liver can be cut into TINY pieces and dried, cheese is good too. Treat that dog...
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    My friend’s GSD mix just attacked her 1 y/o son. She sees nothing wrong with this. Help?

    @cheyann Aren’t hospitals required to report dog bites? I wonder if she lied about the circumstances.