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    Partner too Harsh on Puppy?

    @biblerainbow That makes sense and this is what I tried to get across to him. Waiting at the door will achieve nothing except just arbitrarily make her wait, get colder and more tired.
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    Partner too Harsh on Puppy?

    @greenteaa Thanks for the advice. I’ll definitely suggest keeping her closer to home until she feels more comfortable.
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    Partner too Harsh on Puppy?

    @believerwithquestions She’s had her first round of shots. We didn’t know she can’t go out between now and the second, so we got her tested for parvo and she’s clear thankfully. I’ve repeatedly told him it’s too cold (we’re based in UK and it’s winter here). We’re sticking to our own garden...
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    Partner too Harsh on Puppy?

    Husband and I are looking after a friends puppy for a couple weeks. I’m looking for advice from people more experienced than us as we’ve never had a dog. She’s 12 weeks old and hasn’t been exposed outdoors much e.g. cars, bright lights. Took her on a 10-15min walk this evening to get her...