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    Adopted dog of 3 weeks still scared of people. About to give up

    @loraccw How long did it take for you?
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    Adopted dog of 3 weeks still scared of people. About to give up

    @established_by_god Oh yea if I do that and go to another room she'll eat it fast.
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    Adopted dog of 3 weeks still scared of people. About to give up

    @established_by_god I'm not sure, if I bring it up onto her nose she'll sniff excitedly and wolf it down. If I continue to hold it at a distance eventually she'll just lay down.
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    Adopted dog of 3 weeks still scared of people. About to give up

    @established_by_god I've tried chicken, pork, cheese and the results are similar. She'll eat it if I get close but wont come to me if I hold about a couple feet away. Been doing this for 2 weeks with little success.
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    Adopted dog of 3 weeks still scared of people. About to give up

    @lionhearted Here's another video if that helps.
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    Adopted dog of 3 weeks still scared of people. About to give up

    @lionhearted Thanks for taking the time to respond. The thing is the place I got her from said she was outgoing and loves attention, but what I am experiencing right now is nothing like that. She pretty much lays her-self down in my room after her morning walk and sleep all day after about 1...
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    Adopted dog of 3 weeks still scared of people. About to give up

    @godisnotreal6969 I've been following the same routine for 3 weeks, but seeing little progress. I'll keep trying but how long would it take before you think there might be a problem?
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    Adopted dog of 3 weeks still scared of people. About to give up

    @godisnotreal6969 I have been trying to force my attention on her. Ill take your advice and tone it way down. Ill get back to you in 3 months.
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    Adopted dog of 3 weeks still scared of people. About to give up

    @godisnotreal6969 Got her from a K9 trainer. She's very excited around other dogs so I think it might be just a people problem.
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    Adopted dog of 3 weeks still scared of people. About to give up

    She's 7 months old and still very nervous around people. I feel like I'm making no progress bonding with her. I cant train her because she cant let her guard down around me. I am considering giving her back even though I really don't want to since she's my first dog. She's not a rescue, just an...
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    Need help with an adopted 7 months old Airedale Terrier

    @kayperez Ok maybe I'll try more treat varieties. I bought a bunch from the training treats section at petsmart.
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    Need help with an adopted 7 months old Airedale Terrier

    @hwereson Thank you! I tried last night with the leash to no avail. I think I'll continue picking her up for now at least and try the leash again in a couple days.
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    Need help with an adopted 7 months old Airedale Terrier

    @mrssavage Yes, days/weeks/months. I'll try to get the other dog to come for play dates hopefully that will cheer her up since its just me and her right now.
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    Need help with an adopted 7 months old Airedale Terrier

    @mrssavage Thank you!
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    Need help with an adopted 7 months old Airedale Terrier

    @thewritingmommy Thank you, and yes when I observed her in the backyard she'll pick one spot and stays there.
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    Need help with an adopted 7 months old Airedale Terrier

    @thewritingmommy Thank you for your help. I used a ground shipper who had her in the backseat of a car in a travel crate. She was picked up from Alabama and moved to Texas within 24 hours and today would be her 3rd day here. Would leaving her in my backyard for an hour or two unattended help also?
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    Need help with an adopted 7 months old Airedale Terrier

    @lionhearted So tomorrow would be 3 weeks since I got her. She's gotten better, and now will stay in the same room with me the whole day and sleep on the floor no problem. However she'll try to move away when I get close and wont come close to me when I call. Do you think I should give it some...
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    Need help with an adopted 7 months old Airedale Terrier

    @lionhearted Thank you!
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    Need help with an adopted 7 months old Airedale Terrier

    She grew up in a k9 training facility around other dogs and has already been crate trained. I've had her for 2 days now and she has no anxiety around my cousin's boxer(different house) but is very nervous/scared around me. She does not bark or bite or demonstrate any destructive behavior, just...