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  1. W

    Has the corporate route been more challenging for anyone else?

    @light88 i wish you good luck!
  2. W

    Has the corporate route been more challenging for anyone else?

    @light88 it might be worthwhile to try petsmart too lmao. They are a bigger company and not going bankrupt from what i can tell :/
  3. W

    Has the corporate route been more challenging for anyone else?

    Also omfg FUCK our online booking system! How am i supposed to get busy and productive when the algorithm fucking sucks!
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    Has the corporate route been more challenging for anyone else?

    @light88 Are you me 😭😭😭😭 I feel this so hard. We get the fucking weirdest clients, no shows, etc. i also started in October at co and it's just a mess. I have little faith that they'll ever send me to school. So yes it is so challenging and there's always preferential treatment for other...
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    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @otfl4jah literally my plan to avoid this is to eventually try to do show dog grooming on my own terms. so that way i can avoid both pet home only dogs and doodles lol.
  6. W

    Which dog breed is for me?! [BREEDS]

    @childofthealmighty Others have spoken on this before but protection work is really tough and in this day and age if you're worried about needing protection it's better to learn how to safely own and operate a firearm. With protection dogs you have to spend a fortune on training, and you may...
  7. W

    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    as someone else pointed out him being a mixed breed will make this process a bit of trial and error. My advice is more geared for a drop coated dog.
  8. W

    Is it possible/reasonable to make it through coat change without just cutting the hair?

    @creation_aplogetics Yes it's possible but only if you think it won't cause you to be burnt out of grooming him for a long time if you try to keep up with it. My havanese was tough and he's only 12 pounds, plus his hair is silky and very easy to comb. Even still he took at least an hour to brush...