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  1. T

    What was the best/worst quote you heard from a client when they were told you’re booked this holiday season?

    @boaz308 Like the ones that enjoy wasting my time on the phone so they can check their schedule even though you called me- this happens all year round lol
  2. T

    What was the best/worst quote you heard from a client when they were told you’re booked this holiday season?

    I’ll start: Me: sorry, we’re all booked today, but I can get you in on the 26th. Them: But SANTA wOn’T CoMe DoWn ThE ChImNeY iF FLuFfy DoEsN’T GeT BaThEd BeFoRe ChRiStMaS……. Excuse me, what?? I’m not a “grinch” but Christmas is my least favorite holiday and has been made worse working retail...