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    I’m just feeling so lost. What is next?

    @jamiem You might talk to a vet about meds although it likely won't solve the problem entirely. Also I had A LOT of success with Training Between the Ears after having tried everything else (from positive to balanced to BAT to CAT and control unleashed methods and yank-and-crank style and...
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    " Your dog is reactive because you dont let him say hi or play with other dogs"

    @that1starfish Ha ha. That one is right up there with "have you tried training with food?"
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    I’m Scared I’ve Ruined My Dog For Life

    @listentaylor Thank you so much for describing all of this. I am at the 1.5 year mark with my dog and this gives me a lot of perspective. When I got to "I can walk her through crowds downtown on a Friday night" I was like whoa, can that possibly be in my future? Anyways, thanks for the detail...
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    What actually happened when you tried balanced training?

    @marinde Yeah CC/DS are good in theory where you can control the environment and isolate the challenge stimuli and you have control over the timing of everything. In the real world it's hard to be effective with it if there are numerous challenges and you can't control them. Best of luck with...
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    What actually happened when you tried balanced training?

    @marinde I learned it from Mark McCabe at Training Between the Ears, and I know that Kayce Cover at Syn Alia also teaches it. Kayce teaches it without food, Mark teaches it with food because he argues you can get so much further so much faster when using food. That was absolutely true for my dog...
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    What actually happened when you tried balanced training?

    @lilith_eve Things got much worse with one balanced trainer. She wasn't especially cruel or anything like that but she just didn't know how to use the tools to help the dog. There was a lot of "correcting the dog" rather than helping the dog feel better. There was also a lot of obedience...