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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @axolotl Okay. Will keep that in mind if I get an e-collar. Thanks !
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @axolotl How do you make the dog understand that the issue is his positioning though ? That's the issue I have I think...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @peter67 On the training walks, especially in a quiet place like in the video he indeed does okay. I just shot another video, it's uploading, you'll see the return to heel position has gotten a bit better, though slow today, but I wasn't moving to cue him into position so that could be why. I'll...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @peter67 I'm wary of those easy solutions, I'd been told the same with the prong, and the slip lead... Not that I'm against the tool itself but I feel like the issue is either in ly dog's soacial awareness or in my ability to make him understand that the issue is his pulling but I'm not...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @glo22inc Very impressive ! Yes maybe I tolerate a bit too much of pulling, though I try and stop and back up as soon as I feel the leash get tensed but maybe I'm not being fast enough. I try and always give him the same amount of leash so he can have the same radius around me very time and so...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @glo22inc Sounds like what I'm doing but it feels like he's taking my stops and back steps as if they're random. He literalky jumps back ti heel position, maybe he knows that's what gets us forward again, maybe he knows sometimes a yank will come if I'm too frustrated, but then he goes back to...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @doks Definitely looking for a LLW, but from discussions in here it sounds like Heel may be easier to teach and a better heel could lead to an easier LLW... I don't know. But clearly what I'm looking for he just him adapting to my pace, being attentive to what I'm doing but I'm okay with him...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @doks Yes, during the LLW he does okay. I feel like he breaks too often, but that's just me hoping he gets it more. But I really feel like he doesn't understand why sometimes I say no and back up. He knows that to keep moving forward he needs to get back next to me but it looks like it's unclear...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @doks I do reward, I say yes when I've reached the step count and he hasn't pulled and returned to heel position. Same marker I use whenever he's executed a command properly. I have trouble sometimes focusing on the right order but most of the time I do Yes > Gesture to reward. Often I'll do...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @doks Yes, I think so. For like a months now I've been rewarding in motion, reward at my side slightly behind me even. Lately I'll reward every 35 steps and in a quiet place he can be somewhat consistent. And then one thing smells nice and we'll go back and forth multiple times until he gives up...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @bullmuse Tried last night, forgot to take a picture, I had remove one hook, it was tighter but still wouldn't stay up on the neck... Maybe mid-ish but i'm not even sure...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast It's not that tight anymore, I've seen a trainer who told me I had it too tight and needed to loosen it so I added one hook. No matter how tight any collar is, none stay behind his ears though, I've never understood this advice... I'll try again and take pictures.
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @christiangirl5 Well I think I'm doing that. I've seen his videos, but they mostly involve dogs that aren't used to the prong. Mine was exactly like that the first time I put it on him, I felt like I was walking a floating coton ball cloud... And then over the next week he just got used to it...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @thehallelujahhollerer I've tried heeling too. He breaks it fairly often but it doesn't seem to click in his mind... I can tell everything seems random to him, the rewards when he's doing good, the corrections when he gets ahead of me... It's like none of it makes sense... So he'll look at me...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast When he pulls I'd like for him to simply adjust his speed to be a bit closer to me but that's about it. Right now we walk back and reset but I'd be okay if he just paused for a sec and waited for me to catch up, or whatever... What I don't want is him to continuously pull on...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Thanks for the details feedback ! In the video I'm not trying to prevent him from being ahead of me, I just don't want him pulling. Maybe that's part of the issue though, I don't know, but for me the goal was that as long as he wasn't pulling that was okay for me, ahead...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast He does great on lead, looks at me frequently and follows me very well but the leash just seems too short. Unfortunately there are many narrow streets where I live and I can't have him on a long leash. I'm considering a trainer as well, as you said there must be something...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    So I've adopted my dog a year ago. He was 5, dog reactive and initially quite a lot to manage. After quite a bit of work I've gotten him to a point where he'll meet other dogs off leash at the park and be fine with it. He's always a bit cautious but once he's had his sniff and sees the dog is...