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  1. H

    Sudden horribly destructive separation anxiety

    @saintv Cbdmed is the one we have used before. They have cracker like treats and I believe they’re 5mg per treat and you can google how many milligrams per weight. I think it’s 2mg per 10 pounds but I would google to be sure.
  2. H

    Sudden horribly destructive separation anxiety

    @saintv If her anxiety is so bad that she is literally eating walls and door frames I would take her to the vet. She may need to be medicated or if you want to try something more natural, Cbd has been working wonders for our pups and their anxiety. You may have to retrain her with the...
  3. H

    Mini Golden being Alone

    @christineadler Your dog has separation anxiety now that you all are home all the time. You need to work up in small increments to make him okay with you leaving. I have a few tips and suggestions. Move the crate to the living room. This will make it a fun place for him to be as he can be in...
  4. H

    Potty training a scared adult rescue dog in an apartment

    @hbwink If she is not taking food outside then she is too anxious to be learning. Unfortunately I think your best bet is to take her out every hour until she starts going outside. You are going to have to treat her like a puppy. Also going out so frequently will help because it should help her...