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  1. S

    How much do they really change around 1 year old?

    @mousa Here's my favorite link for it (the post goes through what it's good for and why it helps so much and then gives you a free link to a pdf of the actual protocol). Essentially, what you are doing is training the dog in short, easy bursts (a given day's exercises will run you somewhere...
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    Considering getting a blue heeler, but I’m not sure if we’d be a good fit

    @allbutnone We spend most of our fetch sessions arguing with each other about the rules, not gonna lie 🤣
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    Considering getting a blue heeler, but I’m not sure if we’d be a good fit

    @aristilis So why would you like a heeler? They are very busy physically, but more importantly they are a Lot mentally. They tend to bark loudly and invent games with themselves, and if they do not have an outlet for that physical and mental energy, they will make one. I would honestly worry a...
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    What brand dog food do you use?

    @izakb I have always fed grain inclusive, even though I got my first dog as an adult in the peak of the grain free thing, simply because that dog does better on grain inclusive foods which have more fiber. My spouse has fed raw, which I have always vetoed for sanitary reasons — it's terrible for...
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    What dog gets along best with ACD?

    @dav7dhero7j7sus I'm not going to lie, it's pretty adorable!
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    Has positive reinforcement for leash reactivity actually worked for anyone?

    @lunabeam I have personally watched, oh, maybe a dozen dogs improve dramatically in the six-week reactivity class I'm attending at the moment (having brought one dog through the protocol already). The class is a LIMA-based class with almost entirely positive reinforcement-based training, and the...
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    What dog gets along best with ACD?

    @facelessk Go with an opposite sex pair always if you have the chance. Two females are less likely to start fighting than two males, but if two females do choose to declare war you are absolutely fucked. It is very difficult to repair relationships between two girls when they get sour...
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    Adopting ACD with Toddler

    @phonehouse So there's a lot of room between 2yo and 10yo, right? My parents got a Jack Russell Terrier--also not recommended for small children--when I was 4yo and my sister was 2yo. It actually worked really well, probably because the first one came from a breeder who was deliberately breeding...
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    Bonded littermate has started attacking her sister at 5 y/o

    @roovis When she attacks its like her eyes glaze over and she is no longer "present." It's vicious and prolonged. Get this dog to a veterinary behaviorist or neurologist STAT: this sounds very much like epilepsy related aggression AKA "rage syndrome." The eyes glazing over thing is pretty...
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    want a Australian cattle dog

    @ceejay42 You replied to my comment. What are you talking about? No one said anything about cute and popular!
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    want a Australian cattle dog

    @ceejay42 If you cannot leave your dog home alone (crated or loose) for the length of time a dog normally sleeps, you have either a training issue or a breeding issue. Period. This is true for people managing high-energy working dogs. It is true for people managing working herding dogs (who, by...
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    want a Australian cattle dog

    @joeypope Oh for fucks sake, they're dogs. They're dogs that are often owned by working people. They are not indoor bears. They're not wild animals. They're DOGS. Can you do games with your dog on a daily basis? Games like "fetch" or "hide and seek"? Do you like actively interacting with your...