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    Food recommendations for a complex situation?

    @mihailolt We’ve looked at and delved into the possibility of these issues being environmentally-related with our vet, yes. We have tried him on Apoquel and Zyrtec as well as some other things like steroids but nothing has helped besides changing his diet to eliminate pretty much all proteins...
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    Food recommendations for a complex situation?

    @motorcyclemichael I literally never said that? My point is that the way you’re coming across is entirely counterproductive and unhelpful. Why would I ever listen to someone who immediately criticizes and insults my ability to care for and provide for my dog? Do you even know my background? Do...
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    Food recommendations for a complex situation?

    @motorcyclemichael I don’t understand your need to make comments like this? I’ve outlined that we’ve tried pretty much every other formula and brand that is specifically designed for sensitive skin and digestion available. If you name it, we’ve likely tried it. You’re the one who used the term...
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    Food recommendations for a complex situation?

    @motorcyclemichael To you it may simply be “ponying up $30” but when you’re on an already very tight budget due to having multiple disabilities and having a very limited selection of where you can get products because of getting a discount at certain places, it most definitely adds up to people...
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    Food recommendations for a complex situation?

    @christianr_ I can’t afford $150 per 24.2lbs of food at this point in my life, unfortunately, so I’m working with what I’ve got. I need to stay right at/under around $4.50-$5/lbs and the royal canin is over $6/lbs. I know a hydrolyzed protein would be the best solution at this point but it’s...
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    Food recommendations for a complex situation?

    @balkan I’m absolutely open to recommendations, actually. I was primarily looking for input between the two foods I’d specifically mentioned because they’re easily available/accessible to me, within my budget, and meet our needs (at least they meet our needs on paper) so that’s why I’m...
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    Food recommendations for a complex situation?

    @balkan I never said Purina was a terrible pet food manufacturer so that’s putting word into my mouth :/ I know all about WSAVA and their guidelines/recommendations. I just said I’d prefer to stay away from Purina because I don’t feel they have a formula that actually meets our needs, despite...
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    Food recommendations for a complex situation?

    @balkan Our vet is not knowledgeable on diets/food options and just wants him on Purina which I really want to avoid and there isn’t really a formula out there from Purina that meets our needs anyway. I’ve been asking around and I haven’t gotten any other suggestions/good ideas from anyone so I...
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    Food recommendations for a complex situation?

    Hi all, I’m looking for some input regarding my dog’s food situation. He’s an approximately 9-10 y/o Great Pyrenees mix who is also a retired service dog. He used to be incredibly active because of being a service dog and was nearly impossible to keep weight on but now that he has retired and...