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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @blessed2fosteradopt Would you be able to elaborate on how it might be creating an issue? I’m not trying to be rude, just genuinely trying to get as much information as possible. I check in with the staff there and they always say she plays well and does great, but if it could be creating a...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @steve77777 I agree - I was hoping for a trainer that would work with us so we could reliably use any techniques they teach us. It seems that a lot of effective training involves showing US (the humans) what we should be doing, so we were hesitant sending her to be “fixed” in 2 weeks because...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @david3234 I wish I thought of these analogies when I was on the phone with her. Her website didn’t really have any info on methods she used so I went into the phone call very optimistic and I was so blindsided once she started talking that I think I was too shocked to argue. I’m glad that...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @wallydelafuente Ooh I will check it out 🙂 I appreciate it!
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @wallydelafuente Thank you! My husband said the same thing - if I’m crying over it then she’s not worth it and not the right trainer. It helps getting an outside perspective!
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @tranikamarie Absolutely! I appreciate you and all the trainers out there that are using techniques to help dogs instead of harm them! I wish there was something I could do or a way for the trainer I spoke to to get some of the resources and education that I’ve been getting here, although I’m...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @tranikamarie Thank you so much for your response! Especially the part about how aggression is purposefully increased - it makes so much sense looking at it from the opposite perspective. And it helps reading success stories from those who’ve used positive reinforcement to help their dogs with...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @hldawson3 Thank you so much! Definitely feeling more confident in what we’ve been doing now. We just finished a quick 5 minute training outside (kick a ball, call her back to me, reward when she comes) and she did great so I’m feeling optimistic going forward and excited to find a trainer to...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @tinshield Aww her waving hello is adorable! Our dog absolutely adores people - can’t get enough of humans and wants to constantly be pet and played with and paid attention to. It’s only really dogs approaching us and children that she’s iffy with, so we’re hoping a trainer will be able to...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @tinshield Her daycare says she does great there, and she’s been to other daycares that have said the same. She’s iffy about dogs when my husband and I are present, so we want to work with a trainer to figure out why that is. We used to bring her to the dog park but we no longer do because I...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @tinshield We definitely aren’t going with this trainer - we weren’t planning to after the phone call anyhow, but definitely not after all the advice given here. I am in the US so I’ll definitely check out those websites! :) I just picked up my dog from daycare and she was so happy & excited to...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @oak1683 Thank you so much! I will definitely check that out!
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @monk58 Thank you! I am definitely going to look for another trainer. We have been doing our best to only use positive reinforcement so it was very disheartening to hear from a trainer that we have been doing everything wrong. We love our dog so much and the thought of dropping her off to be put...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @messi She’s also got some Akita and chow in her (did the DNA test, haha). A strong mix of stubborn breeds for sure!
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @messi Thank you so much! She’s definitely tricky! Very stubborn and very smart - if she doesn’t want to sit when we tell her to, she’ll often “talk back” as she slowly sits 😅 we’re doing our best to train her and help her with her reactivity but we are definitely looking into a trainer to help...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @messi Thank you! You’re all making me feel a lot better about our decision to not go with this trainer or her methods. We’re going to do some research with the resources that were given here and I’m hoping to find a trainer that is willing to work with us (my husband and me and our dog, not...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @ryukyu I haven’t heard of that term “engage/disengage” before - I’ll definitely look into that! Thank you! :)
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @xypher101 Thank you! My husband said much of what everyone here is saying but it helps so much to be getting an outside perspective! I’m excited to show him this post later so we can look for a different trainer together and continue using positive reinforcement :) I’m so relieved that the...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @mykell Thank you! I was definitely very discouraged after I talked with her and wasn’t sure if we should find another trainer or if this was just how all trainers are. We are definitely going to look for another trainer now after reading that they are not all like that. Whew, I feel so much...
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @noideawhatiamdoing She kept saying the e-collar would give a “feeling” or “sensation” instead of shock, so she was definitely trying to make everything seem nicer. She was also extremely defensive throughout the phone call. At one point I asked a question and she told me in a nice way that I...