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    How many times have you accidentally cut your dog's quick?

    @oilandgas Her dew claws don’t actually seem to grow for some reason, and never touch the ground, even when she’s lying down on a hard surface. I don’t understand it, and I do check her feet out regularly, but I’ve never had to do anything with them at all.
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    Why does my dog lay on me

    @vigilantrogue She loves you, and she likes the oxytocin boost she gets from cuddling. She's showing you she's already happy :-)
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    How many times have you accidentally cut your dog's quick?

    @melver2 Yeah, I’m aware that it won’t necessarily work forever. Fortunately, she’s totally fine with me handling her paws, and I have actually used a nail dremel on her before, even though it wasn’t really necessary. She doesn’t particularly enjoy the process, but she doesn’t fight it, either...
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    How many times have you accidentally cut your dog's quick?

    @saralynn1 None. My dog runs so much that, in addition to our neighborhood walks on concrete sidewalks, she’s never needed to have her nails trimmed.
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    [RIP] Evee, Beagle, 8

    @hopingandhoping You did everything exactly the way I would, right down to staying up until 2 AM to give her her medication. Don't beat yourself up over it one little bit. Just grieve for her, and take care of yourself.
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    What was the best/worst quote you heard from a client when they were told you’re booked this holiday season?

    @hircine That makes some sense. I've never had my dog professionally bathed, so I can't really make any good comparisons, but, I can say that she's pretty fluffy & good smelling after I bathe her, and never smells like "wet dog." :) The reason I even asked the question though, is you get these...
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    PSA to men who ask us groomers if they can get a haircut too, please stop. It’s creepy

    @gregory_r_g I'm not sure I'd do that. You might actually get someone wanting to take you up on it.
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    What was the best/worst quote you heard from a client when they were told you’re booked this holiday season?

    @tini91 I'm not a groomer, just a dog owner, but I'd like to know: who are these people who can't even give their dog a simple bath? This makes no damn sense to me.
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    5 y/o terrier suddenly incontinent

    @jamsie Time to go to the vet.
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    [Help] My 11 year old boxer died and my 8 year old Saint Bernard has had a sudden change in behavior

    @laowaiphil Totally agree. OP’s dog is depressed, understandably. Dogs don’t understand why a friend would leave them forever. The main things to watch out for are if she’s still not acting more normal in a few months, or if she loses significant weight from not eating.
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    1200lb day!

    @billyyank Were they all named Bella and Luna, too? 😂