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  1. S

    My dog is Godzilla when he sees another while on-leash, but he’s fine (if somewhat over enthusiastic) off-leash

    @monk58 The smarts are fun when you try to teach him things, but outside… When I see a dog before he does, I cross the street to ‘hide’ behind a car. That worked fine, initially. Now, when we stop near a van or a car, he starts jumping to see what or who is across the street (even if I stopped...
  2. S

    My dog is Godzilla when he sees another while on-leash, but he’s fine (if somewhat over enthusiastic) off-leash

    @monk58 Thank you for taking the time to provide so much information! I have worked with trainers of various approaches, and I have read up on LAT and LAD. The ‘controlled environment’ is very difficult: we live in a street by the water, essentially where everyone comes to enjoy a walk with...
  3. S

    My dog is Godzilla when he sees another while on-leash, but he’s fine (if somewhat over enthusiastic) off-leash

    @lifos Ehm, I’m sure this was meant well, but I have tried toys, treats he would do anything for in any other circumstances, no success. He adores his ball, but he ignores it on walks when he spots a dog, even very long distance. Every dog is different, I think.
  4. S

    My dog is Godzilla when he sees another while on-leash, but he’s fine (if somewhat over enthusiastic) off-leash

    Hi all. I’ve posted here before. Roughly 2 years ago, I adopted a border collie Nox from a family. At the time, he was 18 months old. The family said (to the organisation that acted as an intermediary) that “interacting with other dogs may require a bit of work”. I wouldn’t be here if that was...