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    Post spay puppy going stir crazy, any ideas to keep her entertained but mellow?

    @sandy5363 Give her some mental stimulation since she can't have physical. Kikopup on YouTube has a good bunch of videos on training random tricks and there are plenty of puzzle toys or you can invent your own with some boxes :) Also there is /r/Dogtraining that has a ton of resources and...
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    @hannah102 Considering most dog food is complete, there should be generally no need. Maybe go ask over at /r/AskVet for their ideas or the area? :)
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    Aussie Physical Limits

    @thelordbeexalted91 Try asking in /r/dogs or /r/dogtraining, plently of people there who run or bike with their dogs :)
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    Dogwalking time?

    @mom22feb Each dog is individual, so try it out and see if they do well or not :) I would also make sure you take time to also increase the amount of menta simulations through puzzle toys and sniffing games in the house to help keep her occupied and not bored :)
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    Do I need to go to the vet for a cracked paw pad?

    @dale1257 No worries, glad to hear its healing up :)
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    Do I need to go to the vet for a cracked paw pad?

    @dale1257 I don't know about healing time but sounds like he just needs regular moisture treatments on his paws to keep the pads from drying out. Once you have found a vet mention it to them and what treatment you are doing, they can then recommend anything else that may help. The regular oil...
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    Piss/Poop Pads Recommendation

    @dhoffner96 Amazon website have several you can get, since its fake grass and a tray its doesn't have to be expensive or you can make your own :)
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    My female GSD just turned 1, and her behavior is changing. A few minor questions

    @lee25 Change to feeding from a Kong or puzzle toys, it will give her something to do and also make her work for the food more. I would talk to your vet about the amount you feed, they will be able to recommend how much she needs relative to the amount of exercise she gets :)
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    Usefulness of titers?

    @4everaloneoutcast I got that but with this sort of decision it's best to go with professional and scientific research than standard opinions. Anecdotal experience isn't the best when it comes to health choices, as it's personal experience :)
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    Usefulness of titers?

    @4everaloneoutcast Personally I would prefer to get my dog vaccinated when required and not need it. The vaccinations much like human vaccinations are recommended for a reason. I looked up the difference and it looks like DHPP is required more and Rabies is required by law. It's up to you...
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    As previously promised here is my results of my survey I posted here last week

    The below all translates to basically in general dogs are a healthy weight, owners are aware of their dogs weight, dry food is the popular food and weight is mainly determined by breed. I also found out a bit more the reason why people feed this type of dog food, the most common reason being...
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    Dog submission directed towards one other dog

    @ellice If your dog is fine and nothing aggressive is happening then I would leave it be, your dog has its own reasons for acting as such. You can also ask over at /r/Dogtraining to perhaps get other insight into it.