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  1. M

    My 6 y/o mutt is now into his second week of not eating, vet is baffled

    @everest These are all great suggestions, thank you. I think we have been holding out hope that the current vet will crack the case, but a second opinion may be warranted. He is taking Entyce and another appetite stimulant that starts with an M... I can't remember it off the top of my head. I...
  2. M

    My 6 y/o mutt is now into his second week of not eating, vet is baffled

    @mfinnergab Thank you for your kind words. He usually eats a 1/2 cup of i/D prescription dog food 3x/daily and the occasional pill pocket if he's having trouble with his pills. He was on strict orders from the vet to eat no other food/treats, but since he stopped eating she allowed us to try...
  3. M

    My 6 y/o mutt is now into his second week of not eating, vet is baffled

    My 6 year-old mutt, Pablo, stopped eating last Monday. He has been prone to hunger strikes lasting 2-3 days in the past due to his pancreatitis. Tomorrow will be the 9th day of no eating and the vet is at a loss for what to do with him now. They have performed x-rays, an ultrasound, a ct scan...