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  1. B

    Question for balanced trainers/trainers who use aversives in their training plan - I have a couple questions! —A +R trainer

    @coreopsis Right, and from what I understand dogs were a lot more disposable. If the dog died on the job, blew off commands, got hurt, etc, they’d be replaced.
  2. B

    Reactive dog training on your own? (w/o a trainer)

    @calso I do 99% of the training myself, but I supplement with a trainer. In just one session we learned so many new skills and I learned a lot about my dog. I had reached sort of a “breaking point” and lost hope which is when I decided to bring a trainer in. We’ve had one session since and the...
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    Overexcited, undersocialised 2 y.o lurcher

    @habakkukthreenineteen I have a heck of a migraine so sorry this is so brief ~ My dog did the same and she mostly grew out of it (when she turned 1.5 she started listening to commands like “sit”, so I could diffuse the bomb before it fully went off). It sounds like yours is also reaching the...