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    Neutering a chihuahua (mutt?) at 2yo?

    @cdg41592 He’s pretty sore! He’s also really bummed cus he’s gotta be wearing his dog cone all the time right now. Cleaning the area has been tough because the spray can for the neosporin-type thing they gave us spray really hard and it scares him and stings a lot i think. But he’s been really...
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    Neutering a chihuahua (mutt?) at 2yo?

    @cdg41592 Thanks for the reassurance! We’re getting it done today and all the comments here have eased my concerns about it a lot. I think we’ll be fine 😌
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    Neutering a chihuahua (mutt?) at 2yo?

    @stephendisraeli Thank you! We’re at the clinic now. Everything is looking good so far!
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    Neutering a chihuahua (mutt?) at 2yo?

    @ldp735 Thank you! This makes me feel more confident. Appreciate the insight since I’m not too seasoned in dog rearing!
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    Neutering a chihuahua (mutt?) at 2yo?

    @christopherb Very sensible! Thanks for the reassurance. And yes, absolutely. Not that it matters but this happened while I was away and I left the dog under a family member’s care (whom I thought would be wiser).
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    Neutering a chihuahua (mutt?) at 2yo?

    I’ve been trying to read up on this and it seems like the general agreement is that you’d rather have your male dogs neutered than not regardless of size. My uncle (who we got Coco from) said it’s “better not to neuter small dogs because according to our vet it can cause possible heart problems...