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  1. S

    Should I get my puppy at 12 weeks or wait till he’s trained at 6 months?

    @davis32123 Thank you! I think i’m going through the normal getting a puppy nerves and everyone here has helped a lot in answering my questions - appreciate you responding
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    Should I get my puppy at 12 weeks or wait till he’s trained at 6 months?

    @tniles408 This is super helpful insight to know, thank you for responding !
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    Should I get my puppy at 12 weeks or wait till he’s trained at 6 months?

    Hey everyone, hope you can offer some advice. I’m getting a Labrador retriever puppy from a reputable breeder that also offers training. I’ve done a lot of research on them and a few weeks ago I visited and picked out my puppy (and put down a deposit). I’m super excited to get him but I’m a...