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  1. M

    Adopting a puppy soon - need advice on puppy's temperament (video below)

    @sp33d We did end up getting this puppy haha. It's been two months. He is incredibly sweet but was quite shy and timid in the beginning actually, and slowly got out of his shell. Absolutely adore him!
  2. M

    Adopting a puppy soon - need advice on puppy's temperament (video below)

    @sp33d He’s a Great Pyrenees with some potential malamute mix. Based on the video, I’m worried that he might be a bit sassy and not close to humans lol
  3. M

    Adopting a puppy soon - need advice on puppy's temperament (video below)

    @rosesz He is so adorable ☺️ but I’m worried that he might be stubborn / not close to humans
  4. M

    Adopting a puppy soon - need advice on puppy's temperament (video below)

    Hi guys! I'm planning to adopt a puppy (8 weeks) soon. Here is a video from his foster parent What do you guys think of the puppy's temperament? Any advice / suggestions are appreciated!