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    Repeated Calls

    @godswillservices Ironically, it's people like that who would be the absolute first to complain if their dog was on your table and you answered your phone. We used to take care of this dog that always needed a Saturday. No problem. He'd start calling at 6:00AM...every 4-5 minutes. All...
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    How to get a groomer…

    @seeingbabylon I stopped taking new customers shortly after realizing when the OAY dogs call every Spring, I had nowhere to put them for 2-3 months. And even then, if I scheduled them in 2-3 months, when that time rolled around I had nowhere to put my regulars. OP, if you're happy with the...
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    I cannot believe the condition she was in

    @alektra I would never, ever, ever sign up to be a "guardian home." Sadly I knew of a doodle who was so aggressive by 5 months old he had to go everywhere in a muzzle. But, he was a "rare" color, and was in a guardian home so the breeder could continue their crappy program.
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    Entitled dog walkers

    @citywolf I LMAO and walk away. I don't even try to hide it anymore.
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    How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?

    @jumpz Groomers also have a natural handling confidence because they do it every day, and I think a lot of dogs pick up on this. I can't count how many owners say "he tries to bite me when I do (thing)" and it turns out they're using 3 people and either pinning the dog down, waving treats or...
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    Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

    @dtrpogod Dang, you're busy!!! FWIW I have a lot of Doodles who's owners want them very short all over. I think they look so cute this way and it's virtually no maintenance in between trims. :)
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    Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

    @dtrpogod My only very, very minor concern would be if your dog is white/light skinned. A #10 could potentially irritate them, but it doesn't always happen. Just make *absolutely sure* to check your blade very often and stop using it if it's feeling hot. The shorter the blade, the quicker...
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    Are we crazy or are people tone deaf??

    @childman I took my tortie to the vet once for a mild injury. I raised this cat from a very sick, very young kitten. She's a total ball of silly crazy love, and is like handling a rag doll. I assured the vet she would not give them any trouble. The moment she was out of the carrier she...
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    My beautiful friends, how do you feel about 5 in 1's?

    @strings51415 I use my bravura and snap on combs for almost all my small breed grooms (aside from shave downs, I use my "regulars" for that.) If I use nothing but my bravura (I have two sets so charging isn't a big deal) for a few days, I'm floored at how freaking heavy my "lightweight regular"...
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    I got THAT doodle owner…

    @bigred78 There are always exceptions, but based on my own experiences....this client will probably be a no show in 6 weeks.
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    Use your common sense people!!

    @humansmeagol I just got a picture of my Papillon with one ear flipped inside out with half of her bib fringe in her mouth with her "crazy eyes" going on. Looking a little funny is nothing to be ashamed of! xD
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    Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

    @ayen I agree, but so are keeping prices fair and keeping dogs trimmed to what suits the owner, as well as proper handling. My customers are happy so that's what counts.
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    Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

    @ayen For a bath and tidy in between grooms, it's not nearly as much. However, groomers are not exempt from inflation and we're trying to keep our heads above water just as much as the next guy. When I get a discount for going to the grocery store bi-weekly vs. once a week, and when I get a...
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    Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

    @ayen ....And in 6 weeks (or months) they come back in a solid matted pelt and need a #10 strip from nose tip to tail tip.
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    Help :( What to ask when grooming a Havanese?

    @oregongirl1 Adding to this, make sure to get a good full on face picture AND body shot from the side so the groomer knows exactly what you want as far as length, style, etc. She actually looks really cute in the after pic, but it is a big change and it can definitely be upsetting. It'll grow...
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    Use your common sense people!!

    @marie0628 We groom a cat that is really very good. But once she's done, she's done, and we put the carrier on the table and she dives into it. When I close the door, she swats my fingers as I close it. Don't you love those little murder mittens?
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    Use your common sense people!!

    @patrick_andrei I did a hand scissor on one of those Unicorn Doodles (great dog, great down to earth owners, dog is groomed every 4 weeks, they never no show, etc.) and told the owner I couldn't physically do it anymore. My wrists were screaming. They didn't care one bit and are very happy...
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    "Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo

    @temirlan I have a few 7's, 4's, and a 5 that I use for dirty coats. I've experimented with bathing every dog before touching them with clippers, and I abandoned the idea fast because the drying time was absolutely insane. I have a few dogs that are kept long, are well maintained, and the...
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    I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli

    @svjoyner The poor thing smelled like a very musty basement. I'm just glad the dog himself was so sweet and friendly. I would love to get my hands on a properly corded dog to REALLY notice the difference, but until then....cords (or, "cords") just plain gross me out.
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    7 y/o dog suddenly can't tolerate grooming -- can I fix this?

    BTW, your groomer sounds really great with you and your dog, and you sound like a great owner to work with on this!