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  1. 2

    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD or; Your Dog is Fat

    @hoahtx So that's an example.. he's overweight. He's not FAT, not OBESE, but he's not ideal, either. Without seeing him in person, I'd say he could stand to shed 5-10lbs. I also don't know that he's purebred, which might be throwing it off, too. There's something about the way he's set up...
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    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD or; Your Dog is Fat

    @foundwandering I'm sorry to hear about the health problems. It's never easy :( "Oversized" and "fat" are two different issues, though both problematic. A lot of times, people can't help the shape of the dog they already own - they're going to grow into their genetic potential range. Dogs...
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    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD or; Your Dog is Fat

    @sam26 First off, a lot of the photos are field stacks, not forced stacks. You don't see a lot of conformation rings, do you? Second, I don't disagree with you on some of the photos, but realize that most of the working line photos are built almost exactly like the progenitors of the breed...
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    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD or; Your Dog is Fat

    I originally posted this a bit over a year ago, but seeing as there have been some weight discussions happening more frequently here lately, I thought it might be worth posting again. (I get that I'm probably going to be lambasted here for this post.. but take the following with a grain of...
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    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD - or; Your Dog is Fat

    @blessedian From what you're saying, he's obviously not underfed. If you're not having any stool issues, keep on keepin' on. As I said in another spot here, some of 'em are just slim and it's nothing to get bent out of shape about :)
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    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD - or; Your Dog is Fat

    @blessedian Just going by this video, if this was my dog, I'd be trying to put maybe 2-3 lbs on. The only reason I say that is how you can see the spine easily right at the end.. I'd want to hide that just a bit more. His tuck is just a little high in the first video you posted. But again...
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    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD - or; Your Dog is Fat

    @blessedian I can see four cups a day at that weight. One of my bitches is 72lbs and eats 4 cups of TotW to maintain. I'm no vet, but if you want to post a couple pictures, I can give you an opinion, whatever that's worth. Not a fan of vets that overestimate how much a dog should weigh..a lot...
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    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD - or; Your Dog is Fat

    @elohim Aye. I hear that a lot.. "My dog is HUGE! It's 90lbs at 10 months and still growing!" Fat shepherds don't give you bragging rights, but a lot of people just plain don't know that. It's supposed to be a medium-sized breed.. now even if you have dogs larger than "medium", no big deal...
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    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD - or; Your Dog is Fat

    @altair Depending on coat type, there's nothing wrong with being able to see a little rib. A LOT of rib is bad, though. The tuck and hips are where you watch for a dog being underweight.
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    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD - or; Your Dog is Fat

    @tikhonofsc I'm not a big fan of the angulation of show dogs, either.. and that's shown off pretty well in those last couple examples. I do realize that there are a number of people in this sub that have sheps with show in their pedigrees, though.. so I wanted to give a couple examples that...
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    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD - or; Your Dog is Fat

    @tonyrichy86 That's awesome! I've never been able to make the commitment to distance running/biking/hiking with mine and I'm jealous. I tend more to the "you go burn calories chasing that ball/each other and I'll watch" kind of exercise plan ;) So many people just plain don't know what a...
  12. 2

    On Appropriate Weight for your GSD - or; Your Dog is Fat

    (I get that I'm probably going to be lambasted here for this post.. but take the following with a grain of salt.) I'm a frequent visitor and sometimes contributor to this sub and I've been noticing something the last little while.. a lot of your dogs are overweight. Yeah, I know.. it's taboo...