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  1. M

    Fluoxetine: when does appetite come back to somewhat normal?

    @danno2015 Prozac did not help, but made my dog miserable. Sertraline still didn’t help, but less side effects. Venlafaxine is helping some, and very light on the side effects. What works for one doesn’t have to work for another, it’s all trial and error due to individual brain chemistry.
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    Fluoxetine: when does appetite come back to somewhat normal?

    @danno2015 The side effects start over with each dosage increase, so you are only in week 3, and still have a chance the appetite will get better within a month maybe. For my dog it didn’t though, so we switched to Sertraline and later Venlafaxine, neither of those affected my dog’s appetite...
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    Tomorrow we call the vet

    @3john3 I am so sorry for what you are going through, you went above and beyond, but sometimes they are just not fixable. Try not to feel guilty, but proud of how hard you worked to make the impossible happen. The responsibility to keep your family, pets, and strangers safe outweighs the chances...
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    Realistically, what will a behaviorist do that my regular vet cannot?

    @kirbyjade So, we went on Prozac while waiting for our VB appointment, meaning under the guidance of our regular vet. My regular vet, when I told her about the increased anxiety literally said “that does not exist” (facepalm). It’s literally one of the main side effects listed if you look up...
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    Realistically, what will a behaviorist do that my regular vet cannot?

    @fernando1999 Yeah, when the reaction to a medication is that extreme, it’s a sign right away that the med didn’t sit well with your dog. Your regular vet guided you better than mine did. A VB will have more medications to offer. Just that one antidepressant gave your dog a bad reaction doesn’t...
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    Has positive reinforcement for leash reactivity actually worked for anyone?

    @lunabeam Yes, we can now walk by almost all dogs within just a few feet, and no reaction, maybe hackles going up a little. She still has the occasional arch enemy where we need more space, happens only maybe once or twice per year.
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    Realistically, what will a behaviorist do that my regular vet cannot?

    @fernando1999 I assume you are talking about a Veterinary behaviorist (=two full degrees, veterinary plus behavior), not just a regular behaviorist (= trainer that specializes in behavior). Most regular vets do not know very much about behavioral medicine, as it is its own specialty that isn’t...
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    Anxiety: New to medication & a bit worried!

    @atourthroats It is not uncommon to see temporary sedation, reduced appetite, and bowel movement changes in the first few weeks (for my dog it has always lasted four weeks and starts over if you have to do a dosage increase). These side effects usually go away, although some dogs keep having low...