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  1. F

    How to reward puppy for going potty outside when it’s 0°F outside?

    @marriedwoman 😣 I have never gotten them on my toes / feet (which I hear is very common). Mine are only on my fingers. Def sucks either way
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    This post is a big F U to the person who dropped their chicken bones all over the park

    @whiteyd26 I have felt exactly the same way: murderous towards my fellow man -- until I learned the culprits are likely vermin or birds 😆 They tear open and pluck stuff from garbage bags, then when they're done they drop the bones wherever -- the sidewalk, etc. I was wondering what tf sort of...
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    How to reward puppy for going potty outside when it’s 0°F outside?

    @motel6oceanside He doesn't need five walks a day but he absolutely loves them so much, as much as he loves food! So unless it's absolutely pouring, I take him. Only two are more than a few blocks. I'm cutting both long ones shorter today because with wind chill it's like -10F 🥶
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    How to reward puppy for going potty outside when it’s 0°F outside?

    @roelien Thanks, I will!
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    How to reward puppy for going potty outside when it’s 0°F outside?

    @marriedwoman Same! 😣 Do you get chilblains? God they hurt! And yet I live in a city and walk my young dog 5 times a day .. he poops twice / day, which means twice I need to take one mitten off to bag (gotten good at doing it one-handed). Tips: before leaving the house, I prepare the poop...