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    Recall Issues with my English Setter Pup

    @dirksmith I can imagine! Setter are beautiful dogs. And super clever.
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    Can’t leave my 8 month old puppy alone

    @elias512 Start small and in your home. Close Doors between you for very short times. Aim for always staying in a time frame thats comfortable for your dog and build up slowly. In the meantime desensitise for triggers that tell your dog you will leave the home. Put on your jacket at random times...
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    Recall Issues with my English Setter Pup

    @dirksmith Keep up the work, you will get there! :) 14 month is still puperty teritory. Its normal your dog is easily distracted.
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    Recall Issues with my English Setter Pup

    @dirksmith Start in a real low distration environment. At home in your yard or a quiet street. A dog park is way way to difficult as a starting point. You can check by trying to get your dogs attention first by calling his name. If he is too distrated to look at you dont recall.
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    Help needed again- My friend’s GSD mix just attacked her 1 y/o son. She sees nothing wrong with this. Help?

    @anadascal Just for clarification: I dont see why you included number one in your list. Spayed or not spayed seems unrelated to the issues at hand. Am I missing something?
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    Recall Issues with my English Setter Pup

    @dirksmith You need to build a strong history of success. Only train when you are sure the recall will work. Put him on a long line to enforce the command when he is blowing it. Use high value rewards. Build up from a low distraction environment slowly. A good recall needs a solid foundation of...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast If someone would call himself holistic I would run away as fast as I can. It may be my part of the world but this term here is highly accociated with people who deny sience and are stuck in some esoteric whole they dig for themselves.
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    Rescue dog is showing aggressive behavior all of a sudden, help :(

    @alex2017 IF these are some over the board zoomies I had to deal with this for a while too. But my dog is terrier size so a bit easier to handle even so she gave me a lot of bruises as well. What helped me a ton was leashing her in these situations to enforce some boundaries. Leaving the room...
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    Husband wants dogo argentino

    @ombowstring1 The fact that you do not agree at all should be the end of the argument regarless of breed. Never bring a dog into a family when not everyone is on board.
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    3 y/o beagle bit my face need some advice

    @cblyles This trigger is pretty specific so there is no need for a broad shot. Start training to clip his nails without him being scared or intimidated.
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    Buyer’s Remorse…

    @ashleigh2016 Oh I see thanks! That is the point. Got it. :) That makes sense. I was just wondering what business he has with a german exam. But of course if he wants to work here he has to get an Elfer. I did not make that connection.
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @outlawingrace Have you talked to the breeder already? They sometimes have quite valuable insight. Beside: I am pretty sure they would want to know this for future litters.
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    Buyer’s Remorse…

    @eront I am super curious. Thanks for tagging. :)
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    Buyer’s Remorse…

    @eront As a german I am curious because I never heared of this: What exam did he fail if you dont mind to elaborate?
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    Share with me what you LOVE about your reactive dog

    @bmh3d Haha, I feel the first one. XD First target always are socks and shoes.
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    Who watches y’all’s dog?

    @pioneer1 I have a boarding I will bring my girl as soon as I have to be away longer then maybe a weekend. If its a short stay my parents will take care of her or a friend.
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    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    @ranran19 Its quit common and can have a variety of reasons. One can be barrier frustration if your dog is used to greet dogs on leash and has build up expectations to get to do that at any time. Or it may as well be because the leash is limting communication and that leads to anxiety. Dogs...
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    In the wiki it states that prong collars, e collars, and chokes can cause intimidation. Is a slip lead a “choke”?

    @brothersnook I use one during dummy training because its easy to put on / off. And you dont want a lot of gear on your dog if you send them into woods / bushes, so you take of anything else. But my dog is leash trained already. And the leash has a stop, so it will not choke her. To use a slip...
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    Which outdoor adventures does your dog enjoy?

    @cj Dogs actually can enjoy camping. My parents dog was stranger reactive at home and pretty on guard as soon as people were around the property. Funny enough when they were camping this dog was the most chill dog ever. Like: Its not my home, I dont need to watch out, I can just chill here in...