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  1. F

    Crying at work bc I miss my dog

    @christianayling Thank you.
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    Crying at work bc I miss my dog

    @christianayling I have, I’m looking into adoption even from rescues, have put down my name but nothing as of yet.
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    3 months

    It’s been 3 months since the passing of my little man. Some days are better, and I don’t cry, other days I cry a little. I’ve been single for some time, and a friend who I’m close to, mentioned that he wants to introduce me to someone, which just immediately made me cry. I started crying. I’m...
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    Crying at work bc I miss my dog

    @zoemarry Thank you, doing my best ! Having a rough time today!
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    Crying at work bc I miss my dog

    @zoemarry Thank you. I feel your pain, there is no love like this. This is plain cruelty.
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    Crying at work bc I miss my dog

    I’m fed up of life, my life isn’t advancing, career, money, love life, and the one thing that I had, my dog, died traumatically almost 2 months ago and a couple thousand dollars in dept while trying to save him. I am in limbo with my life, don’t know what I want to do, etc, and ended up crying...