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  1. D

    Recall Issues with my English Setter Pup

    @kreke Got it thank you!
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    Recall Issues with my English Setter Pup

    @kamiaran Got it. I really appreciate the thorough response.
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    Recall Issues with my English Setter Pup

    @kamiaran This mostly makes sense. When you say “if you need to correct your dog that is a failure and means you have pushed too far” could you explain some more?
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    Recall Issues with my English Setter Pup

    @kreke Can you explain “only train when you’re sure the recall will work”? That’s the issue, I’m never sure it’ll work haha.
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    Recall Issues with my English Setter Pup

    Hi all. Hoping I may be able to get some advice from y’all regarding my English Setter pup. To give some background, our guy is just about 14 months old. He’s super sweet and quite smart, but also a generally anxious dog (working on medication) and physically sensitive (like many setters). His...