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  1. J

    [Discussion] accidental inbred puppy rescue for Bernese mountain dog Q’s

    @trustmaster BSL would help by honestly addressing the problem - people are breeding far too many pit bulls for the very limited number of homes which both desire and can acomodate a pit bull. Requiring a different standard of licensing, ownership, breeding and sale of this hugely overpopulated...
  2. J

    [Discussion] accidental inbred puppy rescue for Bernese mountain dog Q’s

    @squareone According to the ASPCA's latest data (2012-2018) about 670,000 dogs are euthanized in US shelters every year. Divided by 365 days, that makes 1,835 dogs euthanized each day. Which is part of why my user name is nomorelandfills, as that's where those dogs, virtually all of them pit...
  3. J

    [Discussion] accidental inbred puppy rescue for Bernese mountain dog Q’s

    @trustmaster That's an unusually eugenics-esque position, particularly in an era where rescue groups compete to snag pregnant dogs so they can resell the puppies at a profit. What's the argument for aborting 5 Berners? That they're highly inbred? That the owner could have done it on purpose...