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    Dog GPS collars? (Link v Whistle v Gibi v Fi v Tractive)

    @josh328 I've heard people have had issues with the notifications of dog escape, have you had issues with that? For me it's actually not a huge one unless the dog gets out when I'm not at home as he usually slips out the door when someone goes in or out and it would be good to know if he did...
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    Dog GPS collars? (Link v Whistle v Gibi v Fi v Tractive)

    @tdselector Ah yeah it does look a bit big. I was hoping my dog would be big enough that it wouldn't look so big on him. How big is your dog? Yes I did see the other collars they have and some look quite nice, I just love his current collar lol. It's a wide band of leather with a brass nameplate...
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    Dog GPS collars? (Link v Whistle v Gibi v Fi v Tractive)

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Wow escape 20! I think I'd have a heart attack around escape 3. So that's one vote for whistle
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    Dog GPS collars? (Link v Whistle v Gibi v Fi v Tractive)

    My recently retired hunting hound slipped out this morning and ran a merry chase at least a half mile into the woods behind our house, but I had no idea what direction he went and didn't want to go looking in the woods in case he ran into the road. Luckily he went into the woods and came up to...