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  1. N

    My 3 y.o Shepherd mix grabbed our shih tzu. Could this set back our training?

    @petertohen Hey, thanks for answering :) 1) They are always supervise. Well, that's not true. We left them alone for a few hours, each with a kong and we checked through our camera to see what was going on and there was no sign of anything bad happening 2) He wasn't sleeping when he...
  2. N

    My 3 y.o Shepherd mix grabbed our shih tzu. Could this set back our training?

    Hey guys, I'm going to preface with a bit of backstory here. So if you read it all and want to comment on your thoughts, I'd really appreciated it :) Not the first time posting here. My dog has bit people 3 times in the past. He's also terrible with puppies on "his" territory ( It's a guess...