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  1. N

    Our rescue dog has become horrifyingly aggressive towards first dog

    @jamie1 It’s a very unsafe situation, as both dogs are large and bites keep escalating very quickly. For some dogs decompression means worse behaviors, not better, because they could be suppressed in a shelter. Don’t feel bad returning the dog, but make sure to give the shelter honest feedback...
  2. N

    Dog vomiting and lethargic but no diarrhea

    @syntychie She could have eaten something, vomit it where you didn’t see it and now you are just dealing with irritated stomach. It happened to my younger dog this fall, she kept sneakily eating acorns, throwing them up almost immediately and then throwing up foam for few more hours. It took me...
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    Bonded littermate has started attacking her sister at 5 y/o

    @roovis Could your vet call the veterinary behaviorist? Or send a formal referral via email?
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    Bonded littermate has started attacking her sister at 5 y/o

    @roovis I would honestly get her evaluated by a veterinary behaviorist. I know several dogs that could get along with a particular dog (or dogs), but were otherwise non reactive. What worries me more is that Selkie’s bite is not well inhibited (like Puca’s), this has big implications for...
  5. N

    level 4(?) bite, no warning. Need advice please

    @scottwilson You need professional help with this one. What does your adoption contract say?