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  1. S

    My dog bit my 7 year old sister

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Yes I agree- adults too. The thing with kids especially is that they’re kind of loud, energetic and overwhelming to some dogs, and equally because of their age, tend to miss key signals that the dog isn’t comfortable with that level of close contact until they learn the hard...
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    My dog bit my 7 year old sister

    @mariewalter Yes a good dog trainer is a god send. I have two rescue dogs and I honestly don’t have a clue where I would be without a dog trainer for either of them. It’s taken me from a place where I had so many issues to deal with that I could tear my hair out, to a point where I have two well...
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    My dog bit my 7 year old sister

    @mariewalter I think you’ve had plenty of legal advice about this so I won’t add to it. However I would advise getting a dog trainer as soon as you can to deal with your dogs resource guarding. At nine months old it should be possible to rectify this issue with your pup before it gets to...
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    I started rewarding the first 1-2 barks, then i check on the offender, end with a “thank you, that’s enough”

    @mauricio512 Yup I totally understand. Mine love each other to bits and then if the wrong trigger comes at the wrong time they are at risk of eating one another. I have to leave a babygate between them when I leave the house and have them in separate parts of the car just in case something goes...
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    I started rewarding the first 1-2 barks, then i check on the offender, end with a “thank you, that’s enough”

    @mauricio512 Urgh my dogs can redirect to each other as well. I hate that shit show when it happens. Mine are big too so it stresses me to death 😭