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  1. N

    Preparing to a G shep puppy, but reading stories on this subreddit made me anxious

    @forsiteonly40 I like to hope I can stay positive, I've had puppies before growing up, and I had to raise some baby mice (which was a lot of work, constant feeding milk with a paint brush all day!) I just want to give the best chance for this pup!
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    Preparing to a G shep puppy, but reading stories on this subreddit made me anxious

    @beltfed_bible_warrior thanks for the reply, I'll be sure to make usre of the frozen carrots, that's very clever!
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    Preparing to a G shep puppy, but reading stories on this subreddit made me anxious

    @regmer I've been doing plenty of research, watching lots of GSD man on youtube, and I bought this massive book on the GSD breed!
  4. N

    Preparing to a G shep puppy, but reading stories on this subreddit made me anxious

    Hey, I'm planning on getting a g-shep (male - full black) been prepping for over a year now. But hearing these stories about puppy blues and depression and tears, it's making me feel I can't do this. For context this isn't my first experience with puppies, Growing up we had various litters to...