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    General puppy safety tips?

    @terrymengle Omg this sub goes overboard with safety. My honest advice is to ignore half the advice in this sub
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    When did you get rid of your x-pen?

    @sanctify38 It's one of those "you'll miss it when it's gone" things. Like you won't litterly miss it, but you'll look back with rose tinted glasses. When my kids were babies we had a big junperoo in the living room. I couldn't wait until we didn't need it anymore, it took up so much space...
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    I think we made a mistake

    @sharkdive1 My 2nd and 3rd kids are 16 months apart. Things will not get easier for a long time. Return the puppy unless your husband will do literally all the care of the dog.
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    Returning puppy to shelter today

    @san422 I think this is a great decision for your family. This is why they say to never get a dog for the kids, it should be the parents that want the dog. It's unusual for kids to take care of a dog well. It can be done, my neighbor's daughter does a great job with their dog. But you never...
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    I think we made a mistake

    @sharkdive1 We rehomed a 12 month old dog last year that I raised from a puppy. A behavioral problem became too big for me to handle with 3 kids at home. If it had just been me and my husband, we could have muzzled her and maybe gotten through it. But with 3 kids under 10 there was just no way...
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    Seeking Advice: How Can I Keep My Dog Safe and Warm in Winter?

    @yahleel How is that fair to the dog?